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  • Cash payment accepted at this hotel


Experience an upscale stay at Hanover Marriott, where high-tech and high-touch amenities seamlessly blend to form a hotel

stay based in luxury. We provide unparalleled access to many of the city's most notable locales such as The Funplex, The

Mall at Short Hills and the borough of Morris Plains, New Jersey. Prior to attending a nearby business meeting, get a great

night's sleep in our contemporary accommodations complete with pillowtop mattresses, mini-refrigerators, flat-panel Smart

TVs and room service. Whether traveling for business or leisure, allow Hanover Marriott to offer the professional service and

thoughtful amenities you deserve.


Bar / Café
Bar / Café
Business center
Business center
Free WiFi
Free WiFi
Fitness room
Fitness room

Frequently asked questions

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Ridgedale Ave & New Jersey 10, Hanover, NJ 07927, USA

(65) 3165 0756